Thursday, January 25, 2007

Massachusetts Drivers

Big difference between drivers in Germany and here in Massachusetts. In Germany people actually follow the traffic laws, here in Massachusetts they are in large part ignored or taken as a kindly suggestion. The Autobahn in Germany contrary to popular belief in the US does have speed limits on much of it, however in some areas there are still no limits. If you drive on autobahn like many of you do here, you'll be dead or kill someone in less than 30 minutes. You weave in and out of traffic you are either going to hit someone or have someone plow into you at a casual 200 Kmh. Bought a new car last week and within 72 hours of picking it up was almost in two accidents. The first was when some yokul in a white van (the type you see on Law & Order used by child molesters to grab kids off the street) nearly slammed into my back end in Westboro after I dared to actually brake when the light when to yellow. The second was in Spencer when someone pulled out of a side street to Route 9 directly in front of me. These dicks just don't care. What we need here is more enforcement of traffic rules, no not the ticketing for 35 in a 30 zone type crap, but bagging people who change lanes w/o signaling, weave in and out of traffic. Now the problem with this is (and this is where I'm bound to get into trouble), we don't see a whole lot of this cuz guess who drives like nutz the most when they are off duty... That's right cops... They know they are not going to get a ticket, and chances are they know how to play the system if an accident happens. I'm not talking about all cops, but there are a good portion of them that hop out of their cruisers and into their monster pick-um-me-up trucks or SUV's and drive like hell. I guarentee if people were ticketed for the shit they pull, then folks would simmer down. Oh yeah while we are at it, put down the god damn cell phone, coffee, DVD player etc. and watch the road. You want to kill someone that's fine make it yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my favorite drivers are the ones who pull out, stop & wave to you when you let them cut in front of you at the CVS in Tatnuck Sq (doing this only if the light is red, of course).

try to be nice and they sit there and grin out the side window and wait - half out into the road - until you wave back.

JUST GO! no waving!


PS- LB says you spelled yokul wrong.