Friday, June 01, 2007

The Real Day The Music Died

"June 1st, 67 something died and went to heaven
I wish Sgt Pepper
never taught the band to play" -The Dictators from "Who Will Save Rock and Roll"

Yup today is the 20th Anniversary of that much over-rated pile of drug addled dung known as "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band". It's release let loose a tidal wave of humorless art rock that has yet to be vanquished from the face of the earth.


nepatsfan1 said...

Actually it was 40 years Mike..........

Mike Malone said...

Yup it was 40 years... typo

Anonymous said...

The question I ask about Peppers on The Rock and Roll Report is do people actually listen to this record anymore?

Anonymous said...

Well written article.