Thursday, February 23, 2006

If everyone's doing it, it must be good? Right?

As quick to jump on a bandwagon as anyone, we now have the WDOA My Space site. Actually I had set it up a few weeks ago, but due to some sort of bug in the My Space system, I was unable to log back into it to set anything up. Now all sorts of potential murderers and future murder victims (it does seem to be a trend, doesn't it) can sign up to be our friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike!

I just found your blog and sent a request for a friend add on MySpace.

I live over in Paxton and I am a fan of WDOA.

Right now I run an online site called Cult Clash: The Pop Culture Webzine where I do film/music/tv reviews. You can check it out at: and my commentary/blog page is at:

I'll be adding the WDOA site/blog to my links!

