Friday, December 29, 2006
Live From Germany
Anyhow after we landed we managed to stay awake long enough to catch the Town of Flensburg's number 1 punk rock band Die Fro-Tee Slips at a local club. Heidi even hopped up on stage and sang along with one song. The pictures here though almost didn't happen after yours truly became collateral damage of some ferocious German pit activity and got slammed with the camera up against a wall. The show was sold out, you can see pictures here, here, and here, video here and here. And "Vielen Dank" to my nephew Finn, and my Brother-in-law Heinz for hooking me up with the internet access to make this post.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Boxing Day

How was your Christmas? Better than James Brown I hope.
No word from Hier Malone, hope him and Heidi made through the London Fog.
Christmas at the Wormstead was fun. Carrie jo's 89 year old Grandfather watched the Pats game and entertained us with tales like, "I remember when radio came out.."
He walks 3 miles a day and just moved into a complex that has
"15 widows, one right next door" This guy's seen it all.
The depression, prohibition, ww2, and is sharp as a tack recalling his life's adventures. We should all live so long and have as many tales to tell. He tells me he plays the fiddle and harmonica,and I told him next to time to bring the fiddle and play some.
We all had the christmas ham, and the Gansett was flowing.
Oh and Mike,Pats won, knew you'd want to know.
Happy new year!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
auf Wiedersehen, Frohe Weihnachten
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Life Sucks, by Ren and Stimpy
I was just going to post this and it took me an hour and a phone call with Malone to just get through.
Anyway, check out this rare Ren and Stimpy stuff.
Now where the fuck is that link button?
I see the spell check and photo link, JESUS! I guess life does suck.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Inflatable Santa
I used to think the plain plastic Santas were tacky, but these blow-up Santas make them look like a freakin' Michaelangelo sculpture.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
More Christmas Cheer
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Golden Pizza, gouging on prices
Back when WDOA was broadcasting from our then studios on Fenwood Rd. in Worcester, MA many a cheap pizzas were consumed from Golden Pizza on Grafton St. Well we've since moved out to Spencer, but the other night was in Worcester past dinner time and on the way home decided to order a pizza from Golden's latest shop on Main St. in Worcester. Big Mistake, for some reason the prices are absolutely astronomical....Usually a small pepperoni bought on Grafton St. was around $4 or a bit more.. however it was almost six and half bucks for a small pepperoni pizza at the Main St. location. Me thinks it has something to do with that the Main St. location sells beer and is smack dab in the middle of gang-bangerville just off Webster Square, so maybe they have to pay off the local yo yo yos to stay in business in the "hood". further... the pizza just wasn't that good, no way was it worth 6+ dollars, also I had called it in and when I got there after they said it would 10 to 15 minutes it was a half hour before the pizza was even ready... Me thinks they didn't even put it in the oven till after I got there..
Rant Mode: OFF
Saturday, December 02, 2006
The Greatest Story Ever Told....
Lazy, no good, shiftless
Sometimes I just forget. Other times I can't be bothered.
But, is that fair to you, the thousands of fans who listen to The Worm Bros?
Well, go here
for the latest.
It's almost Christmas and we started with a holiday song.
Oh, and this year they're really pushing the whole "Christmas" thing , so no saying "happy holidays"
Here in Wormtown they have the largest Christmas tree in the citys' history.
It took an entire afternoon and shut down east side traffic just to move it 3 miles. But I'm straying.
Listen to the current show. Then listen to the last show.
It contains Jeff's salute to spys, even before that russian one died.
Maybe Jeff knows something....also The Downbeat 5 and The Queers live at Ralphs.
And then listen to our Halloween show,
Then go have a couple of beers, Narragansett if possible.
Then you should be caught up and ready for the year end show we hope to get up
before wdoa goes on chritmas vacation.
You'll have to do the copy/paste thingy because the link button isn't working.
Either that or I'm lazy, shiftless, etc...
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Election Day
On the Massachusetts Ballot Questions.
Question 1: which would allow grocery stores and convenience stores to sell wine. Vote No, not for any of the so-called "public Safety issues", but simply because it will mean longer lines both at the checkout and at the bottle return at my local supermarkets The stores are already short staffed, and now the lines will come to a grinding halt for booze sales. Thanks but no thanks, if I want booze I'll go two doors down to the liquor store.
Question 2: which would change the way candidates names appear and are tabulated may strengthen 3rd party candidates. Vote Yes.
Question 3: which would allow Child Care providers to bargain collectively with the state. Thumbs up. These are the folks that are closest to the little ones, so they know better what would help
State Rep: Anne Gobie (D 5th Worcester District) has stood up for gay marriage and with a few exceptions votes in sync with the WDOA political machine.
Governor/Lt. Governor: Deval Patrick/Tim Murray Enough already with the crap that's been coming out of the corner office in Boston for the last several years. Make no mistake though Deval Patrick and co. are going to have to show results or it will be a one term administration. Middle income people in this state are getting crushed by skyrocketing property taxes, increasing electric rates (gee, that competition thing voted in a few years ago has really helped us out hasn't it) Also it has to be noted that Tim Murray at risk to reputation has appeared in the past at Wormtown activities and has also visited the wdoa studios.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Halloween Shows
The Worm Brothers offering is a 2+ hour marathon of bones rocking around the kitchen cabinet.
My own Death In the Foodchain has also been tossed out on the slab for general consumption.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Hey Ho let's go
We have two streams available a connection.
1st for folks on cable, dsl, or other high speed connection we have a standard MP3 stream. This stream can also be played using Itunes. You can listen to this stream for high speed internet users by clicking here or by clicking here if you want to listen via Windows Media Player.
Our second stream is a low bit-rate AAC+ stream for which you will need either a recent version of Winamp or have installed Windows Media Player w/the free AAC+ plugin available here, on the plus side it will allow those of you on dial-up to get a pretty good sounding audio feed.You can listen to this stream in Winamp by clicking here, or Windows Media Player by clicking here For Dial-UP
For Hi Bandwidth MP3 streaming w /winamp or I-tunes Go Here
For Hi Bandwidth MP3 streaming w/ Windows Media Player Go Here
For Lo Bandwidth MP3/AAC+ streaming w/Winamp Go Here
For Lo Bandwidth MP3/AAC+ streaming with Windows Media Player Go Here
Any questions email us at or on AIM at wdoa1
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Live Broadcast
We will have a link on the main WDOA page around 2PMEDT (1800 GMT). Can't promise professional or even entertaining program, but then again it might turn out to be.
Monday, September 11, 2006
September 2001 Show
Saturday, September 02, 2006
It's a new Life In The Foodchain
Today just got done recording a new Life In The Foodchain, pay no attention to the super nasal voice as my cold is taking it's toll. Matter of fact after uploading this, I think I'm getting something to eat, taking a dose of "coma in a bottle" then crawling into bed.
Friday, September 01, 2006
fighting the non motivational monster
Tonight Heidi, Jeff Worm and I are heading down to the Woodstock Fair in CT where Joan Jett is playing. Her new album is great, will be interesting to see how the anti-Bush numbers play in the backwoods. Will issue a report later, hopefully with pictures over on the WDOA web site.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Summer Swan Song

Well here we are with September quickly approaching, shit , the leaves are already starting to turn.
A good summer was had by all, the Wife and I tried to make the most out of days we could tear away from the man!
Stopped in Otis Ma.
Next went to the lovely town of Palmer.
My Worm Bro Jeff and I went to Salem.
And the Wife and I again went to visit her kin in Vermont.
And Jeff and I still found the time to do more rock than worms should be allowed.
Catch up with the latest,
A show we did on 8/19/06 where we drank and played totally mental tunes, drank some more and then burned stuff in the backyard.
And then the recorded history of the show we went to Salem to see.
A tribute to Alpo from The Real Kids
Boy amn I tired!
Here's hoping the fall will be a little more restful, now that vacation times gone.
The interweb isn't playing nice so you'll have to look 'em up yourself
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
The future is unwritten......
This show features a bunch of kids from Ketchum, Idaho called
Young People With Faces. I've been trading messages with this band ever since I heard them on WFMU back in the winter. They told me they were coming to the northeast to tour with The Sleazies from Providence, RI , so I had to get them to come up to Wormtown. You'll hear them live at The Lucky Dog Music Hall in Worcester, and also on WCUW 91.3 fm with myself, Jeff, and Captain PJ, on his long running Rockin' Revolution program.
There is hope for the future of Punk, with bands like this keeping the spirit alive.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Summer, Syd, Psyco-phonic
It was a hot day so we start off with some summertime tunes,
then Jeff goes into outer space to see how the recently deceased Syd Barrett 's doin'.
Never a time at 'doa when we aren't saluting a dead person.
Boy did Mike name this station right.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Scary Monsters
This week, Jeff celebrates the Return of Creature Double Feature to the airwaves of TV via Ch 56. He drags out more monster songs than you can shake a ghoul at. I bring in the old Reggae lps that have been gathering too much dust in the library, salute Desmond Dekker, and play something brand new from a western Mass. band called The Hunger Mountain Boys.
As Jeff put it, "it's another schitzo-phonic show!"
Enjoy, LB
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
The Worm Boys
OH, and I forgot to post the last show with The Screaming YeeHaws, The Wrong Reasons and Sasquatch and the Sickabillys. Probaly what inspired this latest show.
Live at Ralphs'
Friday, June 02, 2006
US Congress Bill to ban all MP3 Streaming
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Hell or high water

We deliver!
While Jeff manned the Wormstead, Me and the Mrs took the high road to Maine for all the flood action. But before we left, I rushed through a new set of LIVE stuff from Ralphs'
Darkbuster, Boston punk legends,
Cobra-Matics, Providences' roots rock featuring The Colonel formerly of The Crowns.
The Narragansett was flowing like the Blackstone River.
And we saw some good flood action downeast.
Listen , and dry off...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Music to mine telco databases by
Your Right To Freedom Of Speech
Depends On What You Have To Say
Could Your Name Be On File?
Can The Blacklist Be Far Away?
Have You Given To The Wrong Organizations?
Are The Wrong People Your Friends?
Are The Wrong Books On Your Shelves?
Did You Wear The Color Red?
They Want You To Believe It Couldn't Happen Again
Just Part Of Our Dark Past
They Expect You To Believe/It Couldn't Happen Again
Have McCarthy Style Purges Really Passed?
So Don't Criticize The Power On The Hill
Ignore The Abuses, The Lies And The Overkill
The NSA Will Protect Us All From Ourselves
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Have a Pathetic Evening
See you there.
Monday, May 08, 2006
we've reassembled ourselves
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Live Radio
From Boston, home of revoloutionary rock, The Radio Knives @Ralph's Diner.
Opening the set was Pullchain, a new outfit from Bob MacKenzie, x of The Mighty Ions, Underachievers, and more.
The Classic Ruins played too, but I didn't record them.
Lyres headlined, got a couple from them.
Also a salute to Ed McGee of The Bugs. 60's rock from Marlboro,Ma.
Better late then never.
As usual, Jeff goes out to the garage, and inhales fumes.
Listen, enjoy, listen again.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Move by Verizon, Comcast, etc Not Good...
Currently pressure is being brought to bear by many of the companies that are involved in the delivery of the internet pipeline to allow these companies to pick and choose (based on financial and other motives) how quickly and to whom internet content can be delivered. Verizon, Comcast, ATT and others want to be able to charge content providers to deliver their content. This is an extremely scary door to open. If passed, over time, I have no doubt this will redefine the internet, and not for the better. All content providers whether they be one of the "big boys" like Google, Yahoo, CNN, etc or smaller sites belonging to small businesses, hobbyists, non-profits, and individuals will be placed in a position of being asked to pay not just for their internet connection and bandwidth (as they currently do), but now have to pay the providers of their site visitors. This will move the internet away from a model where anyone can begin a site and have it viewed by anyone else to one where only the rich and politically connected will be heard. Under this move which has already received a favorable vote in the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, and has the support of FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, those who do not have the money, and/or those whose message is not welcomed of the proponents of this legislation, may found themselves shut out of the public pulpit that is the internet.
On a purely WDOA-centric note, if something like what Verizon, Comcast, etc. is allowed to prevail; it may be the final nail in the coffin of outfits like WDOA. We would not just be responsible for the data uploaded from our webhosts servers, but also for the data downloaded by many of you. This, I can pretty much guarantee would push off the net. There is also a free speech angle to this, as the folks who provide the internet's pipes would now be able to shutdown those who espose beliefs that they don't want heard. I shouldn't be surprised as this country is really nothing more at this point than a plutocracy, however we need to fight the good fight. Check out and contact your Congressional Representatives and let them hear your voice against this foolishness.
Slow Progress
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Sox , Roky , Rickles
Along the way new, Muck and the Mires, a salute to Gene Pitney ,
we just can't get away from honoring some passing music icon.
Also Blues Magoos, SLF, and Stinky from The Mad Daddys.
and MORE!
As always, not really sponsored by....
Enjoy, LB
Listen hear Dummy
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
radio made for drinkin'
It's another extrava-gansett!
The beer that's brewed for drinkin'
Some new stuff, Buck Owens, and Jeff's new fave..
The Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13
Monday, April 03, 2006
...Please Stand By
Thursday, March 23, 2006
new product
Well , it'll touch you cosmicly
New stuff, old stuff, funny stuff
but all good stuff
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The Neighborhoods
Yeah that's right , The Hoods visited Ralphs and we're here to testify!
Sold out, and greatly complimented by Thinner and Brilliant, Dave, Lee and Johnny
brought back to Ralphs the feeling of the old days when it was packed all the time, shoulder to shoulder and backs against the monitors. Sir David Minehan, hasn't aged a day and leads the group through a non stop hour and a half of classic tunes and throws in a couple of new ones from a disc due later this year. It's all here .
Just one at a time , please
Friday, March 03, 2006
Memorial Radio
Gene Severens, Alan Paulino, and Curt Gowdy.
Gene with The Aggressions, Alan with Real Kids, and Curt with the Red Sox.
Speaking of the Sox, I listened to the first broadcast game yesterday.
Listening to Joe and Jerry, summer's not far away.
Play Ball!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
If everyone's doing it, it must be good? Right?
Monday, February 13, 2006
...and we're back
Friday, January 27, 2006
Newspaper Wars
We are served by a daily , The Telegram and Gazette, a weekly Worcester Magazine, an bi-montly, InCity times, and a monthly, The Pulse. In the interest of disclosure, Brian Goslow, Mininster of Culture, , and Wormtown scene supporter since day one, worked at Womag until he was let go last fall. He also was the creator of The Wormtown Sound Awards , a yearly vote on the best of what the local musicians offered that year. Now freelancing at both InCity and The Pulse, he's still at it. While at Womag, he ran the WSA's last year, and no mention was made about this years' when he left. Still wanting to do something he talked to The Pulse, and they decided to run with it renaming it The Worcester Music Awards. So ok, they dropped the Wormtown name but that's fine. The Pulse doesn't really cover the , oh how do we say this, the punk/alternative/ what's the label this year/ music in town. But they did have a piece about Danny Dummy's night at The Lucky Dog, so maybe they're trying. But it's more of a Hip , now, upscale , for Worcester anyway, publication. Like Stuff @ Night in Boston. You know, the pick - up bar scene. Pretty people, sometimes half naked.
So this week Womag announces The Turtle Boy Awards , named after the statue on the common downtown of a boy riding a turtle. I mean come on. A city of this size ,with the limited amount of clubs showcasing music and practicly no radio support needs two contests to compete with each other? Womag told me they had to get rid of Goslow due to $$$ constraints, and then they come up with this shit ? They already do an additional Best of Worcester vote already. Seems like they're into ballbusting now too.
Now over at InCity, the publisher is accusing the publisher of The Pulse of stealing 2000 copies of her latest issue that featured a story about the said Pulse Publisher. But that's another story. Oh, and they both use to work at Womag.
The Telegram had no comment.
LB Worm
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Classic Ruins
Monday, January 23, 2006
Sunday, January 15, 2006
We interrupt jock foolishness to bring you rock and roll
Otherwise the Classic Ruins delivered a solid set, and Das Happening who I had heard a couple tracks from before and had really wanted to like, after about 4 songs everything started to sound alike, they were not bad, I just got bored quickly. The Lyres however owned the night, Jeff "Monoman" Connolly and his bandmates were hitting on all cylinders, and actually had people dancing. If you've got a broadband connection and Quicktime, check out short clips recorded on my digital camera of "Help You Ann" and "She Pays The Rent". Not exactly a hifi recording, but what did you pay to read this anyway?? We also have a few still pictures.
Speaking of, I've reorganized a bit of the WDOA pages that are a compilation of pictures taken at shows over the last 6 years. Everything 1999-2005 has been shuffled off to it's own page. While we start with a clean slate for 2006, of which last night's show is the first entry.
Friday, January 13, 2006
More Beer, More Rock and Roll
Worm Bros Return!
We dropped the "Live From Wormtown" moniker, opting to play anything that we think is cool, now, and hip, coming from Worcester, New England, and the world. Occasionaly, we willl still feature area bands when something important comes along. By no means does this mean we are abandoning the scene we've drawn from for the past 15 years, we just don't get out as much as we like to . We always tried to focus on local music especially Punk, Garage, and good ole' Rock n Roll. It just seems lately that our little scene has imploded on itself and we're just waitng for it to poke it's head up so we can pounch on it. Feel free to send anything you think would fit our tastes, and we'll do our best.
Some say Wormtown is, and should be dead. That it no longer serves as a proper moniker for such a city on the move that Worcester, Ma has become in the past few years. I say Bullshit! Wormtown never had anything to do with the city itself, but was just a flag to fly in the face of mediocrity. And besides, Worcester may be on the move , but it still trips itself up now and then. The airport brought back planes and only a few have been diverted to other locals due to fog. The big deveolpment due downtown to replace the Mall is dragging behind for some reason. Demolition was to commence in Oct 05, but she still stands today. They bulit a fine new Bus Terminal that has no busses, and are in the process of erecting a new hotel and courthouse which will have no parking facilitites, so you see, not all is perfect. And I like it when people get all upset about that little nickname. It's been around now for almost 30 years and shows no sign of disappearing anytime soon.
But what does that have to do with Music? Nothing . My point exactly. Add to you favorites, visit it often. It's one of the only places left where you'll hear the best in what our little corner of the world has to offer.
LB Worm
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
more web space = higher quality shows