Tuesday, August 07, 2007
die majors die!!!
to quote from "Bladerunner"..... "wake up, time to die" via "The Consumerist" Warner Music going down in flames....
RIAA: It's all about the artists... Yeah, Right
Think the record companies/RIAA are pushing for draconian royalty payments by internet radio for the sake of the artists???? RAIN crunched some numbers on what the RIAA's scam would mean for their artists. No surprise the scumbag record companies make out like thieves!
Friday, July 20, 2007
The Bastards Won
WDOA has ceased all streaming effective immediately Unfortunately it is not financially feasible to keep going . The RIAA rigged the game in that by law the collection agent for all indie artists is ta duh.. The RIAA (or their collection arm known as SoundExchange) this holds true even if the artist does not wish them to be!!! Yeah, what a country. Their lobbyists certainly got their moneysworth out of Congress and the President (It was Bill Clinton that signed the DMCA which started the ball rolling on this). WDOA ran on a budget of about $1000 a year, give or take and everyone who did shows was a volunteer, nobody was making or even trying to make money off WDOA. We made no money and was funded by myself, my wife, various donors, and by certain clandestine government scientists. Unfortunately in the world of the RIAA the minimum royalty fee for WDOA would be about $5000 plus we probably could not provide feeds for seperate programs, etc. We also would have to be able to keep much more detailed records of what we played AND WHO LISTENED, than we currently do. If we continued to netcast as we do, maybe the RIAA would never knock on the door, but on the other hand Heidi and I can't afford to risk the RIAA taking our house or meager savings. Anyhow it was a nice ride, and maybe we will do it again sometime, but for now stick the proverbial fork in us, cuz we are done.
We will have one last streaming feed on August 18th, 2007 where we hope to be able to play some highlights from our past, including some airchecks from the years of 1996 - 1997 when we started as a pirate/LPFM radio station in Worcester, MA. More details on the times of those streamings to come. Thanks to all the staff who have been a part of wdoa.com in the past including, Heidi, LB & Jeff Worm, Brian Commando, John Q. Public, Matt Griffin, Mike Marley, PA & Andy, Dave & Michelle Kowalchek, Brian Goslow, Reverend Joe, and others. --best of luck, Mike Malone 7/20/2007
We will have one last streaming feed on August 18th, 2007 where we hope to be able to play some highlights from our past, including some airchecks from the years of 1996 - 1997 when we started as a pirate/LPFM radio station in Worcester, MA. More details on the times of those streamings to come. Thanks to all the staff who have been a part of wdoa.com in the past including, Heidi, LB & Jeff Worm, Brian Commando, John Q. Public, Matt Griffin, Mike Marley, PA & Andy, Dave & Michelle Kowalchek, Brian Goslow, Reverend Joe, and others. --best of luck, Mike Malone 7/20/2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Rev it up and go!

Another edition of "Party Time" with The Worm Bros is here.
I really don't know if that's the name of the show , but it's the theme song.
More songs about summer and cars with songs by girls.
From Finland, The Micragirls are burning up the speakers here, and also new Gore Gore Girls. Also, new Roadsteamer, Len Price 3, and more.
Were off to The Road Agents Hot Rod Rumble next week and want to be stoked.
We'll be back from the show with new stuff to play and new stories to tell.
Check out the site while you listen.
Road Agents
The Show
Friday, July 06, 2007
1 hour 19 minutes of Rock n Roll Fun
Hey kids, it's another edition of Life In The Foodchain, on tap we have tracks from The Dwarves, Pathetics, Shangrilas, The Odds, The Bags, Mary Weiss, and a cast of 1000's.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
America, Fuck Yeah!
As you celebrate our independence over those lousy, stinking British rulers
why not listen to the Worm Bros. True Americans. We believe in life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness every day! Freedom of the press, freedom of the net.
Listen to songs about hod rods, girls, and America, Fuck Yeah!
Captain AmericaNSFW
USA! USA! Worm Bros.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Summertime, and the Listening is easy
Yes, it's summer. The time to kick back, relax, enjoy an ice cold 'Gansett, and forget all your worries. And, once again forget to post the new show on the old blog. Someday I'm going to get organized.
This time around we celebrate summer with a lot of old stuff from beaches past, and feature The Actions, one of Wormtowns' finest bands from the 80's led by Artie Sneiderman, and featuring the Aquino Bros.
Recorded live at Ralphs', it was their 25th anniversary gig pt1.
So take us along "When You Go to the Beach"
Monday, June 18, 2007
Public Service Announcement
My favorite rant of the moment (warning: nasty language, but truthful speaking)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
The Worm Bros do a new show.
Well, it was like a week ago now, and just getting around to posting .
You think it's easy being international radio sensations?
Oh no. We had to drive all the way to wdoa headquarters, and then half way through go get more beer.
That worked out great. The store right down the street stocks 'Gansett.
So we drank, had burgerettes, and played a bunch of real cool shit.
Check it out
Well, it was like a week ago now, and just getting around to posting .
You think it's easy being international radio sensations?
Oh no. We had to drive all the way to wdoa headquarters, and then half way through go get more beer.
That worked out great. The store right down the street stocks 'Gansett.
So we drank, had burgerettes, and played a bunch of real cool shit.
Check it out
Friday, June 01, 2007
The Real Day The Music Died
"June 1st, 67 something died and went to heaven
I wish Sgt Pepper
never taught the band to play" -The Dictators from "Who Will Save Rock and Roll"
Yup today is the 20th Anniversary of that much over-rated pile of drug addled dung known as "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band". It's release let loose a tidal wave of humorless art rock that has yet to be vanquished from the face of the earth.
I wish Sgt Pepper
never taught the band to play" -The Dictators from "Who Will Save Rock and Roll"
Yup today is the 20th Anniversary of that much over-rated pile of drug addled dung known as "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band". It's release let loose a tidal wave of humorless art rock that has yet to be vanquished from the face of the earth.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Wormtown 29th Sounds

Gee almost forgot to post ,better late then....
The Time Beings recorded live at Ralph's May 5th
Also their cd release party!
Also a get well wish for Bo,
And a tribute to Al Arsenault.
Worm Bros
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Wormtown 29th Pix
Took me a while to get off my lazy ass and post them, but here are some pix from the Wormtown 29th Anniversary show with Lyres, Time Beings, Classic Ruins and others.
Pictures here
Pictures here
Friday, May 18, 2007
Marconi Beach
Attention Radio Geeks....
Every year the wife and I must vacate the Wormstead in search of adventures. So this year we head to the Cape of Cod and we must make a stop at the site of the first wireless transmission across the Atlantic in Wellfleet. Sacred Radio Ground. In the early 1900's this was Pirate Radio, over the seas where Pirates once sailed.
So enjoy the view, The Worm Bros will be back soon to blow your mind with more rock n roll, inspired by the radio waves burning through our brains.
Until then...
Marconi Calling
Monday, April 30, 2007
Ask not what net radio can do for you, but what you can do for net radio
A bill has been introduced in Congress to roll back the draconian royalty rates set by the Copyright Royalty Board recently. The proposed legislation is a bi-partisan bill proposed by Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) and Rep. Donald Manzullo (R-IL). It is called the Internet Radio Equality Act and is HR2060. Call your reps and let them know you support it. More info at savenetradio.org
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Listen to the latest show. Lots of old and new sounds from Wormtown and we help get you shined up for the gig by presenting selections from each of the acts that'll be on hand at Ralphs.
Worm Bros
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Wormtown 29th
Wormtown 29th Anniversary Party
Saturday, May 5, 2007, 9pm
Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner
95 Prescott St, Worcester, MA
"Never trust anyone over 30." -Jerry Rubin, late charter member of the Chicago 7
Wormtown 1978-2007: Thanks to the staff at Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, Mike Z in particular, you can celebrate the Wormtown scene before you can’t trust it anymore.
Headlining is Lyres from Boston. Their brand of keyboard driven garage rock has earned them praises from peers and critics alike. Lyres (remnants of the legendary band DMZ) have been playing to packed houses around the world since the late 70’s. Jeff aka ‘Mono Man’ Connolly, Rick Coraccio and Paul Murphy have been together since 1976, and were then joined by Dan McCormack in ‘83. http://www.myspace.com/thelyres http://www.limbos.org/lyres/ (unofficial)
Also on the bill from Boston, are Classic Ruins whose early 80’s 45, 1+1 < 2, helped set the tone for future local bands. Led by Frank Rowe, Classic Ruins features Jeff Crane, a Wormtown legend in his own right, having inaugurated the scene with his noteworthy stint with The Commandos, is just back from touring with his French band The Cinders. No Ruins’ performance is complete without the inexhaustible Carl Biancucci and Matt Burns. http://www.myspace.com/classicruins
The Time Beings features Preston Wayne, Wormtown’s loudest, and arguably its best, guitarist. Preston’s work is tightly woven throughout Wormtown legacy; from the prehistoric days with Hooker and The Odds to a short stretch with the aforementioned DMZ, up to today with current projects The Time Beings and the Preston Wayne Four. The Time Beings’ raucous sounds are rounded out by Jay Martorano, Chris ‘Cah’ Lillyman, and the aggressive rhythms of Dave Kowalcek. Fair warning: they’ve been known to burst a few eardrums. But don’t miss this set as they will be performing tracks destined for a new Dino Records album. http://www.myspace.com/thetimebeings
Lady Kensington and the Beatlords hail from Portland, Maine formed by Chris Horne in 2001, after her band The Brood, who released four albums, split up. Lady Kensington and the Beatlords have toured New England and beyond, and are well known for their voluptuous sound and enticing stage antics. In a 2001 interview, Horne described her then new band, as “a slightly more melodic version of the garage-punk prevalent stateside in the ’60s.”
Demon Seeds add an unearthly twist to the bill. In 2005, John Kozik and Owen Rehraurer of The Crimson Ghosts (an instrumental Misfits a la surf music cover band) began writing original songs and performing to a dedicated and rapidly spreading fan base. This ghoulish group of pale skinned black suited fishnet wearin’ vampire lovin’ surf fiends say their love of punk and garage inspires them….to do what exactly? Find out at Ralph’s and pick up their CD entitled Have a Date with Death. http://www.myspace.com/demonseeds
So, come on down to Ralph’s on May 5th and join the Wormtown 29th festivities. Because you can’t trust a scene over 30. –LB Worm, Mayor of Wormtown
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Tommy Ramone
Pictures from Uncle Monk of which Tommy Ramone is 1/2. Also Gobshites...
Saturday April 7 at Ralph's Diner in Worcester
Saturday April 7 at Ralph's Diner in Worcester
Monday, March 26, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
website update
We are in the process of doing some updates on the wdoa.com page. Unfortunately being the web klutz that I am, chances are good I'm going to break some things and create dead links and such. The good news is hopefully when we are done the site will be easier to use. Right now we are looking for someone to volunteer to create a new logo for us that would replace the flashing banner thing we have currently on the top of the page. If you would like to contribute or just have comments or noticed something not working right in the page, please email us at wdoainfo@wdoa.com. Thanks for your patience.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Are we there yet?
New Worm Bros! Well it's sort of new. Ok, it was a week ago. But, none the less, always the more, it's rock. Just look at that stack. Pure noise. Can I tell 'em what it is? Oh just go listen.
Monday, February 19, 2007
New Show with Brian Commando
We've got a new show here in the mix on WDOA, Brian Commando of The Commandos recently came by to record his first of hopefully many shows. Make sure you check out Brian Commandos "Welcome To My Neighborhood".
Boom Booms Live

Yeah, you just knew it was coming. After more than thirty of waiting, Willie Alexander and The Boom Boom Band played Ralphs Diner in Wormtown. The near sell out crowd enjoyed a extended set from these Boston Rock n Roll Legends, and we 've got it right here.
But first, The Pathetics, fine example of punk rock in Worcester today, also live at London Billiards.
And some other tunes we felt you just need to hear.
worm bros
Thursday, February 15, 2007
clips from the last Crybabies show
Finally posted some pictures from last Saturday final performance of The Crybabies
See them here.
Also playing were The Time Beings, Lady Kensington & The Beatlords, and Ghoul's Night Out.
Also a couple of Youtube video's from the night
video one
video two
See them here.
Also playing were The Time Beings, Lady Kensington & The Beatlords, and Ghoul's Night Out.
Also a couple of Youtube video's from the night
video one
video two
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Well I just drove to work through the wonderful ice storm we are currently having here in Worcester, MA. The drive itself wouldn't have been bad except for the Mooks. Who is a Mook? Usually male drivers of limited IQ who are in pickup trucks or SUV's. They're the ones that even as ice is coming down feel they should still be able to 50 to 60 MPH on city streets where traffic has no business going more than 25 MPH tops. They get up right behind you and let you know in no uncertain terms that they feel that your caution of the driving conditions is unwarranted. You can see their Mook blood vessels pulsing in the rear view mirror, and when they get to a spot where they feel they can pass (even if it's passing you by cutting into a break down lane or driving on the sidewalk) they do so while letting you know that they are very important and that they have a God given right to drive like a nut. Now generally being a peace loving (in a non-hippie sort of way) person far be it for me to wish ill on my fellow travelers, but it's mooks like these that I would like to see overturned trapped in there Mook-Mobiles a bit further down the road. Of course I would call for help for them, now what's that number "nine, one, uh, errr, hmmm I just can't think of it now"
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Crybabies Farewell tonight
The Crybabies call it a day after tonights show at The SkyBar in Somerville, MA. Catch these pop/garage favorites one more time and at no additional charge get The Time Beings, Lady Kensington & The Beatlords, and Ghoul's Night Out. Crybabies are one of me and Heidi's sentimental favorites as one of their first shows was our wedding back on September 30, 2000. The Time Beings also played. Suffice it to say this wedding was Hokie Pokie, and Chicken Dance free.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Pathetics, Numbskulls, Spoilers tonight
If you have not set plans for tonight and are in the Central Mass area, head out to Boston Billiards at 70 James St. in Worcester for an 18 plus show with The Pathetics,The Numbskulls, Public Uproar, The Spoilers, & Dingbat
9PM, $6
9PM, $6
Monday, February 05, 2007
Boom Boom
Years ago, before Wormtown was born, I heard Bob Mercer on wicn play Willie Alexander and the Boom Boom Band. It was a song from their debut lp on mca records previously done by The Righteous Brothers, You've Lost That Loving Feeling. Willie's vocal delivery and the bands reshaping of the melody immediately hooked me. As time went on I heard Brian Goslow play some more stuff on wcuw and eventually saw them perform in Boston. The rest, as they say , is history. Willie's carreer has spanned 4 decades and the Boom Booms are but one chapter. One very important chapter. They played together for about 3 years and recently reunited for a series of gigs that led to a new recording, "Dog Bar Yacht Club". On Feb 10th they play Ralphs Diner for the first time . Ever. So Jeff and I thought the least we could do was play some of the rarest stuff we have by them to celebrate. Along with some other exciting tunes, Willie and The Boom Booms take up half the show. So by all means ,check it out. And then go Loco at Ralphs next weekend.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
The Racing Worm Bros

HEY! Where'd that picture go?
Someone in Canada has published this book.
I think I need to contact the wdoa legal dept. After we take them for every cent they got, we'll be able to fund the station into the next decade. Oh wait, they'll probaly pay in Canadian money and we won't last until 2009.
Well until the laywers get back to me , listen to the latest.
Worm Bros show
We've got live music from Wormtowns, own Belmondos, at the Kirkland.
And Phillys' own Mondo Topless, a band I never heard unitl that evening.
They blew my mind!
Also, we saluted the Patriots, oh well...
And a nod to The Crybabies, one of Wormtowns' best who are calling it quits.
It's like an Artie Party.
And also a couple of people passed away, we did our best to remember.
More to come in 2007, stay tuned.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Massachusetts Drivers
Big difference between drivers in Germany and here in Massachusetts. In Germany people actually follow the traffic laws, here in Massachusetts they are in large part ignored or taken as a kindly suggestion. The Autobahn in Germany contrary to popular belief in the US does have speed limits on much of it, however in some areas there are still no limits. If you drive on autobahn like many of you do here, you'll be dead or kill someone in less than 30 minutes. You weave in and out of traffic you are either going to hit someone or have someone plow into you at a casual 200 Kmh. Bought a new car last week and within 72 hours of picking it up was almost in two accidents. The first was when some yokul in a white van (the type you see on Law & Order used by child molesters to grab kids off the street) nearly slammed into my back end in Westboro after I dared to actually brake when the light when to yellow. The second was in Spencer when someone pulled out of a side street to Route 9 directly in front of me. These dicks just don't care. What we need here is more enforcement of traffic rules, no not the ticketing for 35 in a 30 zone type crap, but bagging people who change lanes w/o signaling, weave in and out of traffic. Now the problem with this is (and this is where I'm bound to get into trouble), we don't see a whole lot of this cuz guess who drives like nutz the most when they are off duty... That's right cops... They know they are not going to get a ticket, and chances are they know how to play the system if an accident happens. I'm not talking about all cops, but there are a good portion of them that hop out of their cruisers and into their monster pick-um-me-up trucks or SUV's and drive like hell. I guarentee if people were ticketed for the shit they pull, then folks would simmer down. Oh yeah while we are at it, put down the god damn cell phone, coffee, DVD player etc. and watch the road. You want to kill someone that's fine make it yourself.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Move to ban MP3 streaming in US back in Play
The "Perform Act" is back for consideration in Congress thanks to our favorite RIAA lackey Congresswoman Dianne Feinstein. Read about it here Feinstein hasn't met a law limiting peoples access to music or video that she doesn't like.
Monday, January 22, 2007
New "Life In the Foodchain"
Brandy new, fresh from the factory edition of my "Life In The Foodchain". Available in streaming mp3, mp3 download, or streaming Real Media. Get it here.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Don't book your next flight with American Airlines
Well, Heidi and I are back in the US of A after spending almost three weeks in Germany. I'll have some comments as I get time on different stuff in Germany, but for now I want to sound off on the horrible service provided on the ground at Logan by American Airlines. I previously posted about the fun & games we had checking in on our way to Germany. Coming back was even more festive. First the flight crew was delayed getting to the airport in London's Heathrow airport so the flight was delayed by about 30 minutes, no biggie but yet annoying. When we landed in Logan and cleared Passport Control (more on this later) we went to pick up our luggage. Heidi found one of her bags had been mangled and a side pocket had been torn off with many of it's contents missing. Still standing by the luggage carousel Found Priscilla an American Airlines Employee and pointed out the damage. Evidently her job is to discourage people from filing claims of damaged luggage. She told us we could either take everything we had out of the damaged luggage (like we had anywhere to put that stuff) and leave the luggage there and they would "investigate our claim", or we could trudge up to the third floor of terminal E with all our other luggage, and a ride to take us back to Spencer waiting outside, get a receipt and then after we had unpacked in Spencer, bring the piece of luggage back to Logan. Damage to luggage happens, it is a risk of flying, but the airline should make a effort to take care of their customer when this happens. They didn't. After much back and forth they gave me a Fedex account number that I can use to have the luggage picked up, but I still probably have to find a big box to put the luggage in to ship. The whole system was setup to get people to just say forget it and not file a claim. Although the folks up in the air were fine and courteous the treatment on the ground both coming and going has me vowing not to fly American Airlines next time.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
It isn't Kenmore Square, but we found the new location of the Rat!

We found the new location for The Ratskeller, it's here in the German town of Werdau.... Actually a very nice restaurant here in the town, located in the basement of this building.
Also while here we are trying to figure a way to transport this antennae back to the US for WDOA to use for future broadcasts. Actually it's an old tower used by the Stasi back in the days of the GDR.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Global Warming

Yeah, I'm all for it. 64 at The Wormstead on January 06,2007.Broke all kinds of records all over the northeast usa. Usally it's 10 below fucking zero right now. Cars won't start, pipes freeze, frostbite sets in, but not this year.
I know we'll get clobered at some point. But for now,pass me an ice cold Gansett!
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